Modern Slavery Statement
(Adopted and approved for the financial year 2022)
Organisational structure and supply chains
Sprout Social, Inc. (“Sprout Social”) offers deep social media listening and analytics, social management, customer care, and advocacy solutions to more than 32,000 brands and agencies worldwide. Sprout Social is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with additional offices in Seattle and Dublin. Given the nature of Sprout Social’s business, which provides a cloud-based software-as-a-service to its customers, Sprout Social does not have a traditional supply chain and considers itself to be low risk with respect to slavery and human trafficking issues. We require our vendors, contractors, partners, resellers, and other suppliers to comply with applicable laws and regulations, which may include the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We will, however, continue to monitor the level of risk throughout our current supply chains and take action should we determine a higher risk of modern slavery exists.
Policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking
All third parties which Sprout Social contracts are expected to comply with all applicable laws and regulations (which may include the Modern Slavery Act 2015). We do not move forward in procuring any goods or services with third parties that we believe are at risk for slavery or human trafficking. We will not support a supply chain where we have grounds to believe that slavery and human trafficking exist.
Due diligence processes
In evaluating contractors, partners, resellers, and other suppliers, Sprout Social takes a zero-tolerance approach as it relates to any potential slavery or human trafficking issues. Due to the nature of our business, we procure services from third parties that do not typically involve types of labor at risk for slavery and human trafficking. We engage in due diligence of third parties to understand if they are likely to involve the types of labor at risk for slavery and human trafficking issues.
We have a procurement team that is trained to ensure that we request contractual commitments from our contractors, partners, resellers and suppliers to comply with all applicable laws, which may include the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Employees that are responsible for approving and onboarding suppliers understand issues of modern slavery and human trafficking. Our internal policy requires that any potential issues with suppliers must be surfaced to the General Counsel.
Next Steps/Looking Ahead
Sprout Social recognizes the significance of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will continue to assess the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain, including reviewing negotiated agreements with our contractors, partners, resellers, and other suppliers.
This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the fiscal year titled above. This statement was approved by the Sprout Social board of directors and signed on their behalf by our General Counsel and Secretary.